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Иллюстрация к Саге о Д'Элеме. Глава Пятая: Смертельный взгляд Верлиона | автор: Desaint

From Saga of D'Elem. Chapter V:     “Stop!” cried the watchman at the oracle from the foot of the tower.  The young elf pulled out his dagger from its sheath and...

Иллюстрация к Саге о Д'Элеме. Глава Вторая: Гефестион - мастер кузни и ценитель прекрасного | автор: Desaint

From Saga of D'Elem. Chapter II: " Suddenly the windowpanes started to shake and there was a buzzing noise followed by a loud roar. Meckero, half asleep, twitched in his chair, releasing the...